Design Update for Project Canterbury

March 30, 2012 by Jeri Wieringa

Project Canterbury is undergoing an appearance and structure redesign. Currently the site is hand-coded and the organization maintained manually. Moving forward, we are looking at moving onto a combination of Wordpress and Omeka, in order to provide both a structured database for the content and to support the blogging and forum functions. This current site is a demo of the style that will be applied to the Wordpress platform, and gestures toward the structure of information that will be implemented in the new site.

The design is minimalist, but gestures toward the older print traditions in which many of the pieces were originally produced. The colors were chosen to reference The Book of Common Prayer. The fonts are standard web-fonts, except in the header and navigation. The main focus of the piece pages is the content itself, and the print style sheet will allow for easy exporting of the content. Wordpress also provides helpful tools for enabling conversation and community for users. The goal is that the design here described and the structure provided by Wordpress will extend the appeal and functionality of the current site.